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By Grafana Labs

Updated less than a minute ago

Loki - Cloud Native Log Aggregation by Grafana

Databases & Storage
Integration & Delivery
Monitoring & Observability


Loki Docker Image


docker run -d --name=loki -p 3100:3100 grafana/loki

To persist data in a docker volume named loki-data:

docker run -d --name=loki --mount source=loki-data,target=/loki -p 3100:3100 grafana/loki

To run using a custom config file:

docker run -d --name=loki --mount type=bind,source="path to loki-config.yaml",target=/etc/loki/local-config.yaml -p 3100:3100 grafana/loki

In most cases you should specify a tagged release version for running, the above examples all use the implied :latest tag:

docker run -d --name=loki -p 3100:3100 grafana/loki:1.4.1


Master build tags

Every commit to master in the Loki repo creates a docker image tag of the format master-xxxxxxx where xxxxxxx will be the first 7 characters of the commit hash

WARNING master-xxxxxxx tags are automatically deleted from docker hub after 60 days!!

Release build tags

Every tagged release in the Loki Github Repo will generate tagged docker images here, they can often be hard to find in the long list of master tags but they are there.

Release tags will be kept forever.


Starting with the first tagged release v0.1.0 the tag had a v prefix: grafana/loki:v0.1.0, this was the case up to and including grafana/loki:v1.3.0

For Loki 1.4.0 and up, the v prefix has been removed: grafana/loki:1.4.0

k tags

k tags such as grafana/loki:k15-d70fc0e are used via the internal build promotion process at Grafana, we do not suggest anyone use these tags as there is no reliable communication mechanism for us to use regarding issues we might uncover while testing/using these tags. In the future we'd like to consider ways to change this but for now it's best to stay clear.

More Info

Docker Pull Command

docker pull grafana/loki